75 cents

On a recent trip to the convenience store, my youngest son brought along three quarters (75 cents) with a plan to buy something.  After getting gas for the car, I walked with my son into the store.

I watched as my son browsed the candy aisle selecting several fine confectioneries and checking prices to make sure he had enough for the purchase.  After many selections and replacements due to lack of funds, he finally made his choice and came bounding down the aisle not at all dissatisfied with the smaller portion that he was able to buy.

I followed my son to the counter where he placed his candy for scanning and as he awaited the cashier’s attention I asked him a question:

"Is that what you are getting, son?"

"Yes sir."

"Is that what you wanted?"

"Yea.  It is what I can get with my 75 cents."

As I discussed this with him I pulled a $20 bill out of my pocket.

"I’ll get this, son."

While still smiling he looked at my hand with the bill in it.  He then looked at the candy on the counter and then at his 75 cents.  Back to my hand as his look changed to that brain gear turning look that comes when someone is comprehending - then back to his candy selection.  Finally he looked up at me.

"Can I get more?"

With a smile on my face - "You sure can."

My son grabbed up the candy from the counter and ran to put it back while grabbing a much larger, and sure to be more delicious, pack of candy.  Briefly he looked back at me to get approval, then ran to the wall of drinks and grabbed his favorite from the line up. Running back to me carrying his prizes in both hands and a big smile on his face, he put them on the counter and stepped back to allow me to pay.  I did - with a feeling of fulfillment. I was born for this.

At that moment, the Holy Spirit put his arm around me and whispered in my ear.

"That is just like your Father in heaven."

I got it.  Praise God, I got it!

We run through life counting on our 75 cents.  75 cents is all I got. I make my choices based on my 75 cents.  But as a believer in a true and living God, a Father in heaven, I do not stand at life’s counter alone.  My Father is with me and in his hand he holds wonders beyond comprehension. As I look to Him, He says "You sure can."

But Jesus said, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” (Luke 18:27)