Head to Toe - the Armor of God
I have written about this passage from Ephesians 6 before in Who You Fighting? However, that entry was from a different vantage point as it did not deal directly with the specifics of the armor of God. This entry will dive deeper into the pieces of armor and how they protect us. I thank the Holy Spirit for enlightening truths of different perspectives on the same passage. The Bible is beautiful!
In his letter to the church of Ephesus, the Apostle Paul admonishes believers to "put on the whole armor of God" and to "stand firm." (6:14) As if speaking to soldiers in military combat, Paul instructions could only be interpreted as commands to be ready for battle. We will look at the armor later in this article, but let's discuss what it means to stand firm first. You have likely seen movies about war where they show the preparation for battle. Men lined up in combat armor, weapons in hand, ready to take the field and confront the enemy. Well, imagine an army that, instead of lining up in firm resolution to the battle, was shaking in their boots, looking left and right to see the best way out, readying to retreat before the battle began. What would be expected from that army? Defeat.
Paul tells the Ephesians to stand firm. Do not waver before the enemy. Do not sway like a reed in the wind before the battle. Stand. Be Upright. Be firm and unmoving. Resolve yourself to the fight. Understand that you will not retreat; you will not give up; you will not bow down before the enemy forces. Take your stand with your fellow soldiers, and in unity, stand firm.
Stand firm in the Armor of God and do not sway or waver before the enemy. God is with you!
Now, before standing firm, the Apostle tells the reader to put on the whole armor of God. What is the armor, and what is its purpose? I have outlined both aspects for the pieces referenced in Paul's letter below:
Belt of Truth - is to hold up your pants! It is the truth that keeps you from being exposed. It is truth, or more specifically, the use of truth that is your covering and the assurance that the enemy has no power over you. Speak the truth. Uphold the truth, Live in and live out the truth.
The Breastplate of Righteousness - should be "in place." Righteousness must be rightly fitted and adorned. Its polished metal brilliantly reflects the glorious light of the truly Righteous One, Jesus Christ. This breastplate of righteousness protects inward parts. It even protects the heart. Being surrounded by righteousness prevents us from being mortally wounded in close combat. It is not our righteousness but the Lord's righteousness that empowers this breastplate. As we stand in His righteousness, the enemy has no weapon that can penetrate and destroy us.
Gospel of Peace - for our feet. Readiness comes from the gospel of peace. Readiness for what? For whatever the enemy throws at us. With feet shod with the gospel of peace, we will be ready to march when it is time to march and stand when we are to stand. Interestingly, the battle armor is supported firmly in peace. This is the Kingdom of God.
Shield of Faith - "To all this," add the shield of Faith. Paul is not talking about religious faith or the following of doctrine. The faith mentioned here infuses the Christian way of living with power. This Faith understands, without doubt, that our "Redeemer lives and that in the end, He will stand on the earth." With the shield of Faith, we can extinguish all, not some, but ALL the flaming arrows of the enemy. Faith protects against those long-distance attacks of Satan. The attacks that come out of nowhere. Faith protects against them. The shield of Faith protects God's soldier from the volleys of spiritual arrows the enemy sends up to weaken and injure. With faith, we enter the heat of the battle unharmed. "Without faith, it is impossible to please God."
Helmet of Salvation - protects our minds. Knowing you are saved covers our reason and our rational self. Salvation is what keeps our intellect protected from the enemy's attacks. Understand that you are saved, redeemed, and secure in Jesus Christ without condemnation. This will prevent the devil from messing with your mind.
The Sword of the Spirit - is the final piece of armor Paul mentions in this passage. This sword is the Word of God. It is to be used daily! Interestingly, Paul's writing differentiates the Word of God and the Gospel of Peace. The sword of the Spirit is the only offensive weapon mentioned in the armor. We are to attack with the Word of God. Additionally, the Word of God is the Spirit's sword. As children of God, we read and memorize it, but God's Spirit within us wields the sword against the enemy.
You are in battle. If you are not utilizing these protections - talking truth, trusting in the Lord's righteousness, proclaiming the gospel of peace, holding firm to your Faith in God, believing in your salvation, or reading the Word of God - you are naked in the battle. How can a naked soldier expect to stand? Put God's armor on and stand firm!