Time Suck
The greatest hindrance to doing things that you should do, great things that you could do, and things that you must do is good intention. Outside influences pale in comparison. Not even how you were raised holds a candle. It's not your education or lack thereof, physical appearance, knowledge, age, or any other of the hundreds of impediments used to excuse our inability to do what we know would be best to do.
The storehouse of great inventions made in human history is voluminous. Still, the storehouse of unfulfilled good intentions makes it look like a dollhouse. In human history, more less has been done because of good intentions, and there has never been more less than there is right now.
Good intention keeps us from doing the things we could and/or must do. Don’t waste time with good intentions.
The Internet is designed to create good intentions with absolutely no action. This design attribute is so embedded in the code of the web that if you take action and actually do something, those who have designed media and entertainment on the World Wide Web lose money. The web, which is so appropriately named, is intended to incentivize users' inaction. Why is the software platform used to view the Internet called a "browser?" Because browsing is not doing anything. Browsing is to "survey goods for sale in a leisurely and casual way." In other words, browsing is shopping without buying. It is acting like something will be done without actually doing anything. It is a continual state of intention. Once you purchase something, you are no longer browsing. But we "browse" the Internet!
I realize I am not bringing anything new to light. Since the release of The Social Dilemma documentary, the public has been informed about the Internet trap. We are all aware of the time suck social media and video games are. My wife and I have known the dangers of the screen since before we were married. For this reason, we did not introduce a TV into our home for years after tying the knot (an absolutely fantastic idea for newlyweds). We never got a game console because it is a time suck! How did we raise 7 amazing kids? Because of God's grace and no TV! The Internet is TV on steroids. It is designed to capture the time TV failed to capture. It is a good-intention machine. You throw a human mind into the Internet matrix, and the only result is good intentions.
So, I acknowledge that I have no new information here. But I do have an admonishment. Refrain from wasting your time with good intentions. Don't allow some money-grabbing bandits to steal your time and life through sticky web-style marketing and software tactics. You have a reason for living and something particular to do. The social media gurus aren't concerned with it, but the rest of the world would love to see you accomplish it. Get to it!