When I leave
How will the world deal with your leaving?
When I leave this world, it should not miss me. All my productive value will be invested before I pass on. If I have left something undone, it will be my failure. A failure that I will be wholly incapable of correcting.
When I leave this world, I will be of no further value to it. My investment will have been made; if anything comes from that investment, glory be to God. Any strength I showed or power to improve things is entirely His doing. My strength is found in His joy. All power, especially any I possess in this world, belongs to God.
I will have done my job as a father, and my children won’t need me. What I know I have taught them. What I have to give them will have been transferred. Nothing will be left except for one to go ahead and another to continue the work.
I know not of anyone who would cheer my passing. But if any were to cheer, I pray it be the enemies of God. For the cheer of God’s enemies will prove my life was profitable. Let them, the evil ones, gladly cheer at my passing. Let them assemble a parade to ceremoniously mark the day of my graduation to heaven. If possible, I will look on with a smile.
When I leave for the continued eternal adventure, those I love will know they were loved. No questions will be left unanswered. “I love you” will have been said. The hugs may be missed. The fond memories may be cherished. But no more I love you will be needed, for my loved ones will know they were loved, as will I.
I may leave, and my better half may remain. Even in this instance, I will not be missed. The one who remains will know that the other waits on the other side of eternity. You cannot separate love like ours.
When I leave, God won’t need me here anymore. He will be finished with my mission in the world, and therefore, I will be finished. I don’t know what it will be like. But I know it will be.