Kings Don't Sit on Stages

The beginning of John's gospel chapter seven contains an intriguing interaction between Jesus and His familial brothers. The passage indicates that Jesus' brothers did not believe He was the Messiah, nor did they understand Jesus' heavenly mission. 

In verse 3 of the chapter, we find Jesus' brothers admonishing Him to "Leave Galilee and go to Judea, so that your disciples may see the works you do." These young men had designs for Jesus' ministry. They obviously had heard testimonies of the miracles Jesus performed daily. They may have witnessed some of them personally. So Jesus was the real deal for His brothers. But they were obviously in error as to what kind of deal Jesus was. 

Getting out there and doing some signs and wonders was their plan for Jesus' outreach. You might think it harsh to judge the brothers as not believing in Jesus as the Messiah. But, I would suggest that anyone who feels the Messiah has to show off to people does not have a proper perspective on what being a Messiah means. The very next verse takes the brothers' error to the next level. Ready? 

This is what Jesus' brothers said to him, "No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world." (vs. 4) These guys are talking to their Messiah, the savior of Israel and the world! Every soul hangs in the balance, and Jesus is the sole person who can provide the deliverance, and His own brothers are telling Him that He is not public enough! 

It is likely Jesus' brothers were not scholars of the Old Testament and would not have understood all the prophecies about the Messiah. But they did grow up with Him! Mary must have told them that Jesus was God's Son at some point! The problem was that they prescribed their own design to the Messiah rather than understanding that the Messiah knew how to get it done! 

Jesus ensured they understood that He knew exactly how to do it. In verse 6, Jesus replied, "My time is not yet here; for you anytime will do." Jesus laid it out right there in a you know nothing moment. Anytime would suffice for the brothers because they were not the Messiah. Jesus had to work within the timing of His mission. Jesus was not looking for a stage. 

Kings don't sit on stages. 

Kings sit on thrones. A throne is the seat of power. No matter where you put it. The reason? Because of who sits on it. 

The stage is different. Actors sit on stages. They portray another, not themselves. A stage can make the actor.

The throne will not elevate the power of the king. Kings do not portray another. They are themselves, and the power is on the throne when the king is seated in it. 

Jesus was not attempting to become a public figure. The King of kings was not looking for a stage to elevate Him. He had (has) a throne, and His time had not yet come. His brothers' inability to understand this is an ailment passed down through the millennia by Christians worldwide. People continue even to this day to seek stages on which Jesus can perform. The Lord Jesus is seated on a throne. He does not need publicity. The Messiah is not seeking worldly acclaim. He is looking for people willing to set aside what the world offers - for people who genuinely believe.

John 7:1-13

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