Heart Sentry
Guard your heart and secure it. Do not let evil have a place in your heart.
“Above all else guard your heart, for everything flows from it,” King Solomon of Israel.
Guard your heart! Do not open the door to evil so that wickedness may enter and find room in your heart. Everything comes from your heart. What you will do, those things you will achieve, how you interact and treat others, who your friends are or will be, how you will raise and instruct your children, how you will perform your work, how you will live in the gray hair years, even how you will relate to the Eternal God Almighty, all of this and more “flows” from your heart!
Do not let the world take hold in your heart. Give no place to the world or the things of the world. Keep your heart free from the allure of the world’s pleasures. Do not let the Internet enthrone itself in your heart. Do not take in the world’s nonsense through media and marketing. It is not eternal, rather it is all passing away day after day. Do not let envy, strife, jealousy, hatred, fear, malice, sexual sin, drunkenness, apathy, laziness, bitterness, greed, anger and all that is worldly wickedness enter your heart. Shut the door! Guard it with the Spirit and God’s Word.
Live with a pure heart. Saved and sanctified through the sacrificial action of Jesus Christ. Wash your mind daily under the clean waters of God’s Word. Take in and contemplate God’s wisdom and His everlasting statutes. Live in accordance with the life of Jesus Christ. Value holiness, purity, love, peace, righteousness, goodness, Godliness and truth! Set your mind and heart on things above where Jesus sits enthroned. Put aside the things of this world and love the things of God.
Let that be your heart’s desire and refresh it daily. You will accomplish God’s will and bring glory to the One who deserves all glory. Your life will not be wasted in trivial pursuits and overcome with wickedness. Instead, you will accomplish an eternal purpose. The love of God will be toward you and your love will be toward the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lover of your heart.