Hoping is not Praying
Hope is such a wonderful thing. It sustains effort and makes us tenacious. It helps us hold out when the times get tough and gives us anticipation of better things to come. Hope is a wonderful thing, but it is not prayer.
While the two are intertwined, prayer is different from hope. The scripture says “… when you pray, hope …” Um, no. It says ” … when you pray, believe …” (Mark 11:24) So while one may lead to the other and one may result in the other being fulfilled, there is a distinction between prayer and hope.
When we pray we must believe. God answers all prayer. It is only a matter of whether we like His answer.
Many who pray do it with hope in mind. I hope that He hears my petition. I hope that what I ask will be granted. I hope that this prayer will be answered. Our approach to prayer in this manner may be the result of us not believing we are heard or of us feeling that it would be disrespectful to expect God to listen and answer our prayer.
Think about this. When you go to your earthly parents to ask for something, do you go in hope? I have never heard any of our children say “Moma, I hope you will make me some food.” No, the petition is often audacious in presentation. “Dad, I’m going to need this payment for school today.” The petition is not obvious but it is there and there is much more belief than there is hope.
Why is it that we go with such boldness to our earthly benefactors? Because we believe. My kids know that I have the resources to help them. They also know that I desire to bless them with what I have. Basically, they know that I love them and would give anything for their well being and happiness.
Where do we miss this with God in prayer? Why do we have to hope when we know that He loves us and will give all for our well being? Is it disrespectful to take God at His word? Is it disrespectful to know God and understand that He loves you and would do anything for your well being? Of course not.
So when praying do not hope that a loving, good and omnipotent Father hears your prayer and may answer it. Know that a loving, good and omnipotent Father hears your prayer and will answer it.
(Note: You may want to follow up this one with - “God Answers All Prayers”.)