Deliverance is Coming
Learn from the story of David and Goliath that your deliverance is on the way!
You will face a lot of things in this life. In fact, as the poetic saying from the 90’s goes - Stuff happens and then you die (Christianized translation). Point is, there are challenges and you will face them.
Some things we choose to face and some things get thrown at us. Some things we are expecting and some things come at us with no warning whatsoever.
In our verse today, David had a challenge he chose. This fact did not make it any easier. Killing a man twice your size is never an easy task. But he knew he was choosing this fight.
I believe that verse 37 holds a key to facing stuff with courage and understanding that you will prevail. David did not focus attention on Goliath. It did not matter - Goliath was not going to get any smaller and David was not going to get any bigger.
David focused on what he knew. He knew that he had faced things in the past that should have killed him. In all these instances he was delivered by the Lord. He had real personal history that showed him that deliverance was on the way.
Is your challenge greater than you? YES. Have you seen God deliver you in the past? YES. Is your challenge greater than God? NO.
Your deliverance is coming.
I Samuel 17:37