The Vault
Did you know that God created a vault? He did. The 1st chapter of Genesis talks about how God created a vault. Check it out, "And God said, 'Let there be a vault…'" Within the seven days of creation, God created a vault!
After reading this, I asked myself. "what is a vault?" The Oxford Dictionary defines a vault as "a roof, particularly an arched roof, typically in churches or other large structures." A vault is also defined as a "large room for storage, especially underground." So what is God doing making a vault on the second day of the universe's creation?
Genesis says the vault was made to "separate the waters under the vault from the waters above it." We know that in the beginning, "the earth was formless and void." We also know that the "Spirit of God hovered over the waters." It seems that in the beginning, the waters of the earth...
According to the creation account in the book of Genesis, God made a vault. That vault was made out of love.
Side note: God created the waters when He created the heavens and the earth. For context, look again at Genesis 1 and note that God first created the heavens and the earth, which was formless and void, and there was water.
Sorry, back to our subject - the earth's waters were all together initially. There was just a bunch of water together on the surface of the planet. It was Waterworld! But instead of Kevin Costner, the Spirit of God hovered over the water's surface. Why does something hover? Take, for example, a mother over her crying baby. Why would a mother hover over her baby? Well, hovering is an action that generally precipitates another action. A mother may hover to inspect the baby to determine the reason why he is crying. She may also hover to prepare the baby to be taken up in her arms. There are many other reasons why a mother might hover over her child. But we understand from Genesis that God's Spirit hovered over these waters on the face of the earth. I postulate that God's Spirit was readying the waters to be picked up!
So after creating light and separating it from the darkness (which incidentally was created when God made the heavens and the earth), God created a vault to separate the waters which His Spirit hovered over. A gap was made between the waters on the planet. Instead of all water being together on the earth's surface, space was made with water above and below. The space created was called the "sky." To this day, that space exists between sea level and the height of the stratosphere.
Why did God make a space between the waters on earth? Well, He needed to create space for his most prized possession. Wait… What is another definition of vault? "A secure room in which valuables are kept." God created a vault between the water to keep His masterpieces, you and me, and all humanity. We needed space to exist, and God needed a place to keep us. But we let the thief into the vault! How could it be a vault if we allowed sin to enter?
God created a space uniquely designed to allow humans to live. It was designed and made for us! But we allowed sin to enter and corrupt the vault. Once in, sin wreaked havoc on God's vault. Everything in the vault has been turned from its original purpose. All that has existed in the vault has fallen short of its design. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." All but One, that is.
Oh boy! This is where I get chills. All but One has fallen short. All but One has failed to accomplish the full glory intended from the beginning. All but One! That One is the Son of God. He is the Alpha and Omega. He was at the beginning and will be present at the end. He is the blameless One, the spotless Lamb of God, the sinless One, the Door, the Rock of Ages, the everlasting King of King. He is Jesus Christ, born in a manager, lived among us as one of us, and died for us. He is Jesus Christ, the One who removes the power of sin and takes away the sting of death.
Wait… What's another definition of vault? "A chamber in a church or graveyard used for burials." That's it! God created a vault - a place to hold His most precious treasures, His beloved creation. But we allowed the thief into the vault and corrupted God's perfect place. So God changed His vault. He made it a burial vault; in this vault, the power of sin and the devil who flaunts it will be buried forever. To save those for whom the sky was created, our God became one of them, in form corruptible, to die and be buried in the vault. But that vault had no power over its Creator! Jesus raised Himself to life. In doing so, He saves all who believe in Him. Through Jesus, these believers escape the ultimate penalty of sin, overcoming death to live eternally in the presence of God!