Down the Road

With my whole heart I seek you, let me not wander from your commandments!

The commandments of God are like a road.  A road is made to take people places.  God’s commandments are made to take people to a place as well.  In our verse, King David, the psalmist, describes a journey.  The journey described is one of the heart.  Actually it involves the “whole” heart on a journey seeking God.  

David’s psalm points out for us that God’s commandments are the path of this journey, and he petitioned God to keep him from wandering from that path - or road if you prefer.  So just like the roads in your life, it is safe to say that on David’s journey there would be detours away from the path he was traveling.  There would be side streets and off ramps that would take him from the road of God’s commandments.  

I bet it is a bad idea to veer off the road you drive on daily.  There are probably drainage ditches or curbs on your road.  Running into these obstacles can certainly damage your vehicle or even you personally.  Veer too far off the road and you could end up hitting a tree or getting stuck in a ditch.  There is great danger in wandering off your road.  

So it is with the road of God’s commandments.   Wandering from the road will definitely get you stuck or possibly in even deeper trouble.  Once you veer from God’s commands your life's in jeopardy and your way is not sure.  People can spend their entire lives stuck in something that they could have avoided altogether if they would have stayed on the road of God’s commandments.  

What about the person that finds they have wandered away from God’s commandment road?  Is there no hope?  Well, God’s commandment road is even surer than that road you drive on everyday.  You don’t get in your car and wonder if your road has gone anywhere.  So just like the road you drive on each day, the road of God’s commandments will not move.  It is still right where it has always been.  The person who has wandered from God’s commandments can find them by simply turning around and asking directions from the One who knows the way.  Say a prayer, open the Bible and God’s commandment road will be right there in front of you.  

But, why get on the road of God’s commandment?  Because of where it leads!  As David points out, if you seek God you will follow His commandments.  

Psalms 119:10