You Can Handle the Truth

The Truth, sometimes difficult to comprehend but always available to those who seek it, is a marvelous thing.  Once a heart receives the Truth, it cherishes it.  Truth is treasured by a receptive heart.  The heart even willingly shares Truth knowing it can never be fully expended. 

Truth can be cherished because it is everlasting.  It also brings reward.  Truth lasts forever.  A surer foundation cannot be laid.  This is why we take great pleasure in seeing those we love living in Truth.  According to John in his third epistle, he found “no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in truth.” (vs 4)

Truth, however, can be refused.  It can be lost by those who do not wish to know it.  Why would a heart not want to know Truth?  Because it prefers a lie - the false.  The false will disappear leaving only emptiness, sorrow and death.  A heart may choose to forsake Truth for personal comfort.  Let’s admit it - Truth can be uncomfortable.  Why hold onto Truth when it causes discomfort?  Better to accept the false so that your life may be filled with comfort.  

The single greatest and most potent of Truths is the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.  It is a controversial Truth that has divided people since it was first demonstrated and proclaimed.  Many have died because of that particular Truth.  Many others have forsaken that Truth to protect their earthly possessions and positions.  My prayer is that when you are presented with this Truth, you will choose to forsake the false and hold onto the Truth.  It will change your eternity.

3 John