Nominal Christian

Nominal is defined as 1) existing in name only and 2) very small or something far below the real value or cost. 

If you search “nominal Christian” you will find wiki entries defining what a nominal Christian is - ” popularized in 1980’s”, “many in the world today”, “one who says he/she is a Christian but hardly goes to church.”  There are even tests for diagnosing the nominal Christian. 

But are there really nominal Christians? 

It may depend on your viewpoint…

Yes.  Every Christian is a nominal Christian, in the sense that no Christian even comes close to measuring up to the life of Jesus Christ, the source of the Christian’s hope and salvation.

And No. The term, nominal Christian, is itself a misnomer. A diluted Christian faith is not Christian at all. As Jesus pointed out in His Revelation, “because you [Church of Laodicea] are lukewarm [diluted in faith], and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth [cast you away].” (Rev 3:16)  Likewise, when describing the end time judgement, Jesus refers to “the sheep” [believers] and “the goats” [unbelievers]. He says, “he [Jesus] will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.” (Matt 25:33) In both instances there is an evident difference between those who would be called Christian and those considered non-Christian. There also appears to be no place for the ones who might be considered nominal in the Christian faith. A loving father [God] would not discard His child [the Christian] like an unwanted drink. Furthermore, in His judgement, Jesus will not make room for those who proclaim to be sheep but bleat like goats.

In either case, and any case that may exist, there is only Christian and non-Christian.  You cannot follow Jesus in a small way.  The cost is too high to allow for nominal.