No Snatching

Nothing really appealing about being compared to a sheep.  But since my Savior, whom I believe in, hope in and rely on, often compared His followers to sheep, I can certainly live with the comparison without complaint.  

There is one sheep comparison reference in the Bible, found in the book of John, that I think is awesome.  Jesus is talking to the people of Jerusalem who were hounding Him to give His declaration of being the messiah.  In other words, “Jesus, when are you going to make it official that you are here to get rid of these Romans and make Israel the best place on earth?”  Jesus simply answered that He had already told them but they did not believe.  Why would they?  Other than the fantastic miracles, healing and raising people from the dead, they really did not have anything on which to go.  

In this passage Jesus talks about His followers being sheep (there we go again).  He says specifically that His sheep, or followers, “hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”  Comparison aside, there is nothing better than knowing your God and knowing that He knows you.  Jesus continues His response by saying, “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish…”  Awesome news for believers throughout all history.  Jesus blesses us with everlasting life.   If you do not believe in Jesus this news really does not matter to you.  Whether Jesus Freaks are going to live forever is pointless.  You will not.  

But I want to get to the next part of this scripture - the part about snatching.  Jesus assures, “... no one will snatch them out of my hand.”  For believes this is a very important point and Jesus makes sure to reiterate the point so that it is clear for those to whom He is speaking, “My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.”

Some quick tangential points here:

  1. To whom is Jesus speaking?  We know that the people referenced were said to be unbelievers.  So again, the point Jesus makes is unimportant to them unless they believe.  So this is where some serious transcendence stuff happens and we see that Jesus may be making a promise that He knows will be proclaimed to His believers through written word, a gospel to bring encouragement.  

  2. In reference to Jesus talking about His Father - all sons with great fathers believe that their dads are awesome and can do pretty much anything.  Sons attribute to their dads superhuman strength, unmatched intelligence and greatness beyond comprehension.  But, Jesus was the only son who rightly claimed as much when talking about His Father. 

Ok, so Jesus says He gives us eternal life and there is no snatching.  And this is important because?  Well, because life is hard and this world is oppressive.  For a true believer it is tough to live decades in a decaying and degrading environment where your beliefs are ridiculed, condemned and sometimes outlawed.  It is tough to stand against immorality and injustice without faltering.  In short it is difficult not to “backslide” (said in a whispered tone).  This is a dirty word and it means exactly what it sounds like - sliding back into a life of ignoring God and pridefully proclaiming one’s own lordship.  It is turning your back on God.  It is a dreaded thing to a true believer.  

But Jesus’ words in this scripture are reassuring to the believer - especially the backslider.  Jesus gives His followers eternal life and no one snatches them away from Him.  Pure as the wind driven snow or backsliding right into the muck of this world, the believer can know that there is nothing, NOTHING AT ALL, that can snatch them from the hand of their God.  The salvation of the one who believes in Jesus Christ is a secure salvation and that person’s life is held within the hand, and close to the heart, of a Father who is Greater than all.
