Into the Depths

The deep things of God are reserved for those who have discernment trained by constant practice in order to distinguish good and evil. 

Just as a child must be confined to the shallows of a pool, so too must the undiscerning person be prevented from venturing into the deep things of God’s Word.  This is for the benefit of the undiscerning, to prevent them from flailing in scripture, hurting themselves and those around them.    

The Word of God is rich and has depth in which the believer can flourish.  However, many believers, rather than growing through study and practice, choose instead to remain in the shallows.  They do not grow.  Their growth in the knowledge and understanding of the thing of God is stymied by lack of “constant practice”.  For this reason many fall away when trial and temptation come. 

It is not natural for a believer to remain in the shallows.  It is natural for a body to grow, gaining strength and ability.  Likewise, it is right for a person to spiritually grow, obtaining greater knowledge, being equipped to venture into deeper things. Of course this takes training through constant practice, and practice takes perseverance and patience.  It is difficult.  But let us not forsake the practice which will produce the discernment necessary to enjoy what God has reserved for us!

Hebrews 5:11-14