The Ark of the Covenant is an intriguing artifact. Its existence, construction and contents were personally directed by God. In speaking to Moses, God instructed him on how the Ark was to be built, what materials were to be used and even who was to build it. God also gave implicit instructions on how the Ark was to be carried. He did not leave anything unclear with regard to the Ark of the Covenant.
The purpose of the Ark was also declared by God: “There I will meet with you, and from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim that are on the ark of the testimony, I will speak with you about all that I will give you in commandment for the people of Israel” (Exodus 25:22). The Ark of the Covenant was to be set within the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle and it would be the mercy seat on which the presence of God would preside when communing with His people.
The believer is the ark-type that carries the power and Spirit oF God in the world today.
Inside the Ark was to be held the “testimony” (evidence or proof) that God would give Moses. The articles of this testimony may have been the budding rod of Aaron, the Manna from Heaven and the tablets containing the Ten Commandments. With regard to the handling of the Ark, God’s instructions prohibited anyone outside of the levitical community from carrying it. Those who did carry the Ark would do so by use of specifically designed poles inserted through rings on the side of the Ark. No one was authorized to directly touch the Ark of the Covenant.
Later in the scriptures we can see the Ark being used at times to bring victory for the Hebrew people as they fought their enemies. We can also see times when the Ark was misused and even lost to foreign armies in battle. It seems that the people of Israel placed a lot of hope in this gold box and for good reason. The power of God was displayed through it. Even the enemies of Israel understood the power that resided in the Ark and were terrified when the Ark was brought into battle.
Let’s fast forward a few thousand years. Now the date is around 33 AD and Jesus Christ has completed His time here on earth. He has walked among men as a testimony of the love and grace of God the Father. Jesus has fulfilled His purpose, going through the crucifixion, death and resurrection to become Salvation for those who believe. After the resurrection, Jesus visits with His disciples several times and on the last visit, recorded in Acts 1, He informs them of a very important development. Right before His final ascension to Heaven, Jesus is asked by the disciples if “at this time” He was going to “restore the kingdom of Israel?” Jesus replied to this question, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by His own authority.” (vs 7) Or basically, that’s above your pay grade.
But the next thing Jesus said was, “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (vs 8) With this statement Jesus establishes a new Ark type. He is introducing a new “version” of the vessel intended to carry the “testimony” of God before the world. This new vessel was designed personally by God, with specific instructions on how to handle it. God did not contract out the work of creating this vessel. He personally took the time to form it from the clay of the earth and put it in its intended place, a garden called Eden. The vessel had a particular purpose, but it was misused and fell into enemy hands through sin. Then the Son of God did something the enemy could not prevent. He died for the deliverance of the vessel. Through His death the vessel could be put back in its proper place - in communion with God.
Now, the vessel is declared reclaimed and assigned the purpose intended for it. This new vessel, a vast improvement over the previous vessel, the Ark of the Covenant, is a living and breathing vessel, ordained to carry the “witness” (evidence or proof) of the Son of God to the world. Inside this new vessel would be the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit of God that testified of His Glory before the enemies of Israel in the promised land; the Power, the same power feared by the enemies of Israel and evidenced in the resurrection of Jesus Christ; and the spirit of one who is saved through the Grace of God. This is the new vessel carrying a new testimony as witness to a new covenant made through the sacrifice of a God that would not give up on His cherished creation. Some may suggest that the gold box version of the Ark of the Covenant was better, more stable and certainly not as difficult to manage. But God did not see it that way.
He always intended His testimony to be carried in the hearts of His children who love Him. Even though it required the death of His Son, Jesus Christ, God still went through with it, paying the full price, to reclaim the vessel once lost, now at home with Him, in the place it should be.