Last Standing

It’s well known, throughout time and memoriam, that in any fight, the last person standing is the winner.  You can get pummeled like Ali in his fight against Foreman, but if you weather the storm, if you can rope-a-dope to be left in the end with hand raised, you win.  Or like the citizens of London, who lived through the blitzkrieg started on November 5, 1940, suffering tremendous loss of life and property to the bombs of Germany’s war machine, if you can in the end stand on the rubble as the smoke clears and view a future without the scourge of Hitler and Nazi Germany, you win.

You know, sometimes it is easy to forget that God is going to win.  It’s often not clear whether the Creator is going to get this thing back, or even if He will want it back, after man has done his deeds on the earth.  However, it was evident to Job that God would be the last standing at the end.  He clearly stated his belief that his “Redeemer” lives and one day He will “stand” upon the earth.  If you know the story of Job, you also know what an astounding proclamation that is coming from a man who went through hell. 

As believers in Jesus Christ, we are able to believe and say the same as Job.  Our Redeemer does indeed live, and He has promised that one day, in the end, He will stand upon the earth.  Every knee will bow before Him, but He will stand.  

Job 19:25